Hello Everyone, Susan here - hope life is not too frenetic and that you are all safe and stressless!
It is time to announce the winner for
Challenge #16 - Create a Christmas Ornament
We had a dozen entries for this - well done to those who had a go!
The lovely sponsor for this was

The winner is No 8 - Cathy

Hilde says
"love the beautiful design of the stars and how perfect for the tree or on the wall or anywhere, well done..."
Cathy: please send an email to craftingwithdragonflies@gmail.com
and don't forget to collect your winners badge from the sidebar and display it!
Judith picked the Top Two this fortnight and they are:
No - 12 Deanne

Lovey stocking - the lace is so pretty
No - 3 Stella
How ingenious - layers of goodness
Congratulations Ladies - collect your TOP Three badge from the sidebar and display the fact that you were winners!
The reason there is no Top Three this fortnight is that the rules were not followed - please make sure that the rules are read and followed if you wish to be considered for the prizes.
Our last challenge for 2013 is to create
Christmas Tags (one or many, little or large)
We have two sponsors for this -


All you need to do is make a tag and enter this in the competition. Who isn't making Tags at this stage of the year!! So, make it, take a photo, upload it and write about it in your blog, and enter it in our challenge! Don't forget to be a follower if you are not already!
Go and have a look at the ones already made and entered - so inspiring!
As this is the last post before the 25th, for those reading this blog
We wish you a fabulous Christmas, with family and friends around and a happy and harmonious time to be had by all. May you get the things you need, with a big degree of happiness is included! Don't eat too much and certainly DON'T DRINK too much either!
Be Happy.
We look forward to seeing all that stash being used in the future challenges!
Hilde and the team at Crafting with Dragonflies!
See you next time to announce the winners of the last challenge - TAG making - for 2013.
Thank you so much for choosing my stars. What a lovely surprise :) Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, Cathy x