
Saturday, 1 September 2018

#112 - Spring has Sprung

Hi all, a big Dragonfly hugs to you all and all of our new followers, welcome. 

Thanks to everyone who took part in our last challenge, look out for the top 3 next Saturday.

We are asking you to create a card representing Spring. I know that a lot of you lovelies are going into Autumn but we are going into Spring on this half of the world. 
Make yourself some warm thoughts, and think Spring.

As this goes live, we will be celebrating our first day of Spring here in Australia. Wahoo!!

Here are some examples from the Dragonflies:

Inside of card
CG made an Easter Card which always brings thoughts of 
Spring in the Northern Hemisphere.

 Hilde - Lambs are always born in Spring

Granmargaret, using pre coloured images

Ina, beautiful spring flowers

Susan just so pretty

I hope you are starting to feel a bit 'Springy' after seeing these cards, looking forward to seeing yours.
Blessings Hilde and the Team


  1. Great cards for our spring here in Australia, today's the first day of spring and loving it...

  2. Hi Ladies, some beautiful spring cards, a cool start to spring in my neck of the woods... have a good one... Megan


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